Monday 2 June 2014


Film Production

Cinema is a widespread media reaching out to a large number of people. Among all nation, most number of movies are produced only in India. In India, nearly 1000 films are produced per year. Among these, Mumbai, the Bollywood of India, the hub of film activities, contributes to the major chunk of film production. Apart from these Southern regions and West Bengal produce films.

Cinema is the joint effort of many professionally skilled persons. The units especially acting, production, sound recording, lighting, editing, directing play a predominant role in the film production. Cinema is where technology and creativity intermingle. Cinema is not only a tool for recreation but also an effective means for communication. Movies produced in international standard can go beyond cultural barriers and are successful in foreign countries also. Filmmaking consists of Movies, News Clippings, Documentary, Advertisement and Music Album.

The Director is the root of film production. His responsibility is to imaginatively blend his own experinces and those of his near and dear one and effectively present them to his fans. The Director can thus make the viewers laugh, cry and become angry.

Moreover, from the lowest to the highest level such as, selecting a good story, choosing the appropriate actors and actresses, identifying the technicial experts, and the planning of shooting are the directors responsibility. Though this is a highly competitive field, job opportunities are plenty because a large number of films are produced every year.

This is an ideal field for those who have innate talents in professional as well as artistic skills. It is not mandatory to have experience in acting and directing; however, those with training can shine well. But, one has to undertake systematic training for sound recording and editing.

Film and Television Institute of India at Pune, Film and Television Institute of India at Chennai, offer courses related to cinema. Those who decide upon cinema as their career have to join a recognized film institute before taking up jobs in cinema institutions. They have excellent opportunities to work in the government film production units, studios, private production units and processing labs.

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