Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Bioinformatics open new vistas for glorious future.

     Bioinformatics is a meeting point of two key comtemporary displines   -  Biology and computer science. It has had a pivotal role high throughput projects such the human genome project. Bioinformatics is the computer assisted data management discipline that helps us gather, analyze, and represent this information in order to edify ourselves, knowing the life’s progression in the healthy and disease conditions, and find novel or better drugs. Bioinformatics is being practiced across the globe by educational groups, companies, national and international research organizations. This discipline should be thought of as core of current and future biotechnology. The demands and opportunities for interpreting these data are expanding more than ever. Bioinformatics is a discipline which uses computational techniques to analyze the biological problems; the science of developing and utilizing computer databases and algorithms to accelerate and enhance biological research. It’s commonly referred as dry lab work which accelerates the wet lab work drastically. Bioinformatics is a tool to solve the Biological problems based on existing data. It is a mode to solve the Biological outcomes based on existing experimental results. It creates the way for the biologists to store all the data. It makes some lab experiments easy by predicting the outcome of the lab. Experiment from exiting results. It helps the researchers to get an idea about any lab experiments before they start. Computer have become an essential component of modern biology.
            Bioinformatics has established itself in just a few years as a foundation of modern biotechnology, its focus on biology information management independent of origin or representation is enabling life science and novel drug discovery to progress much faster. Still, there are significant issues that challenge the industry. Integration of data acquisition, storage, manipulation, analysis and dissemination in a cross-platform manner, un ambiguous gene sequence assignment, and development and application of new, language and ontology based approaches are all of the leading edge of the field, with many companies and other Institutions advancing these areas. The Ultimate prize is the computer aided empowerment of researchers to work seamlessly with multiple types of biological information, as close to real time as possible. Once all this is achieved at multiple levels, including genes, proteins, cells, tissues, diseases, population variations, plants, animals and other organisms, then the promise will have been fulfilled.
 Image result for Bioinformatics

Career Path
             Today’s bioinformaticists are in for a real treat with a seemingly endless stream of biological data being generated across sectors, there is high demand for talented, experimented professionals at the crossroad of biology, statistics, and computer science scientists who can analyze large amounts of information and present it in a clear manner to decision maker are finding the sky is the limit in terms of jobs and career pathways, especially in the big pharma and bio tech sectors.
               For life scientists with expertise and an interest in bioinformatics computer science, statistics, and related skill sets, the job outlook couldn’t be rosier. Big pharma, biotech, and software companies are clamoring  to here professionals with experience in bioinformatics and identification, compilation, analysis, and visualization of huge amounts of biological and health care information with the rapid development of new tools to make sense of life science research and out comes, spurred by innovative research in Bioinformatics itself, scientists who are entranced by data can pursue more career options than ever before.
                  When people refer to the field of bioinformatics, they’re referring to what might be argued as two overlapping areas. The first is what you would call ‘’bioinformatics’’ which is more technical, and examples are creating tools to analyze data for biologists, or specific databases to store and retrieve information. For example if you created a new tool that could analyse sequencing in a way that hasn’t been done previously, then this is bioinformatics. Many journals such as Nature and Bioinformatics have sections purely for articles about new methods and tools.
                 The second path is what you might call ``computational biology ‘’ which is all about doing biological research, using a computer instead of a pipette. A strong understanding of biology is important, as well as the ability to praise, then answer a research question. For example, If you believed that duplicate genes were less well coserved compared with non-duplicates, and you tested this hypothesis across a set of genomes, then this would be computational biology.
                 These two field are not distinct, and over lap a fair amount. Some universities have bioinformartics departments in both the computer science and life science facilities, indicating the types of reasearch carried out in each.
                 Bioinformatics specialists must acquire an unusual background, an ecletic blend of molecular biology, chemistry, and computer science. They work in close collaboration with bench scientists, helping them to plan and organise experiments and data collection so as to maximise the production of reliable and useful information. They are found in academic, Government, and Industrial research labs.
                  There is no suchthing as a typical career path in this field. Bioinformaticians need to perform two critical roles. Develop IT tools embodying novel algorithms and analytical techniques, and apply existing tools to achieve new insights into molecular biology. However, you must remember that although powerful and highly  specialised in itself, bioinformatics is only a part of biotechnology.
                  Specific areas that fall within the scope of bioinformatics.

                                          Image result for Bioinformatics

Sequence assembly
                  The genome of an organism is assembled from thousands of fragments that must be correctly ``stitched’’ together sophisticated computer-based methods, is carried out by a specialist in bioinformatics.
Database design and maintenance:
                    Many pharmaceutical companies maintain private databanks of gene sequence and other biological and chemical information. These repositories must be continually updated with data generated intermally and from outside sources. This is a challenging task, and the design and maintenance of these complex databases has become an important part of bioinformatics.

Sequence (gene) analysis
               Once the DNA sequence of a fragment of the genome has been determined, the work just began; one must next understand the function of the gene. This involves locating regions of the gene that code for a protein product that is involved in regulation and control and also finding those sections of the gene (introns) that are clipped out and discarded. The gene may be compared against databases of known genes with well understood functions to find clues to its role in health or disease. All of these analyses are carried out using powerful computers and specialized software, and many would consider this activity the most important area of focus within bioinformatics.

               It is now realized that single-point mutations (alterations in the genome at specific positions) can be associated not only with particular disease states(for example, sickle cell anemia ) but also with reduced or increase sensitivity to particular drugs or with side-effects to those single necleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are rapidly evolving and promise to play an important role in future drug development efforts and in the design of clinical trials. Again, experts in bioinformatics are at the forefront of efforts to collect, analyse, and apply this crucial data.

              A relatively new area proteomics studies not the entire genome but rather is expressed in particular cells. This often involves cutting edge technology, such as the use of microarrays (DNA-ON-A-CHIP) that allow the expression level of thousands of genes in a cell sample to be quickly determined. Once a large and diverse database of expression data has been collected, the next step is to identify connections between of genes and a particular disease state. In this gene therapy can be located. Bioinformatics specialists work closely with bench sciencists to accomplish the ``Data mining’’ that lies behi nd this next wave of the pharmaceutical industry.

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Course & Admission



Medical field contains a broad range of academic education other than MBBS. It contains the certificate courses, medical diploma courses, bachelor degree courses, master degree courses and many short time knowledge booster courses for medical professionals. The candidates having PCB or PCMB group in their +2 can appear in AIPMT 2016 for admission to the top medical colleges of the country.
Various institutions and university from abroad and in India is offering some of the medical courses by Online. IGNOU is one of the leading universities that provide the education in the medical field by online admission.
For admission to bachelor degree, the students must have to prepare for medical entrance test after 12th standard. The students must have science with Biology in 12th standard.
CPMT & CBSE are the top national level medical entrance test after 12th. Some universities conduct their own entrance examination.
It is an expanded field of educational study and there are so many courses including medical diploma courses, degree courses, certificate courses and lab technical courses & other medical technical courses.
You may also check:
AIIMS 2016

Jobs & Career

Medical courses are in demand and fast growing. It is a hard working field but a reputed one also. The patients are being cured for 24×7.
The healthcare industry is very large and around 14 million jobs are in the US only.
The career is divided at the level of your education in the medical field. Whether you have a diploma or bachelor degree or master degree, you are in a race of a good career.
After the completion of medical course you can choose the right organization or industry or hospital.
There are so many industries, organizations, pharmaceutics, hospital, research laboratories and related industries in India and abroad.
Some leading employers in the field of health care are as the following (recruiters in medical field):
  • Acrux
  • Australian Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Biota Holdings Limited
  • Black mores
  • CSL Limited
  • Chemeq
  • Cochlear Limited
  • Health scope
  • Hexal Australia
  • Mesoblast
  • NIB Holdings
  • Prima Biomed
  • ResMed
  • Sigma Pharmaceutical


The medical field is one of the highest salary paying fields in India and abroad. Today, in the US, the demand of well skilled and educated medical candidate is rising.
Being of a big pool of different courses, the medical field offers the student a wide range of good salaries.
If you have MD or MS degree you will get the $500000 to 1000000 per annum.
If you have done the bachelor, you can earn the $100000 to 300000 per annum.
If you posses the technician, nursing or assistance course, you can get the $50000 to 100000 per annum.

List of Medical Courses

The best medical courses are as the following:
  1. M. B. B. S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) – 5.5 years
MBBS is the bachelor degree in medical field for cure & diagnose, awarded in many countries.
  1. B. D. S. (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) – 4 years
BDS is a professional degree programme in dentistry.
  1. B. H. M. S. (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery) – 5.5 years
BHMS is a bachelor degree in Homeopathic Education in India regulated by the National Institute of Homeopathy.
  1. B. A. M. S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) – 5.5 years
BAMS is a bachelor degree in ayurvedic system of medical field. In India, the Ayurvedic Education is regulated by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM).
  1. M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) – 3 years
This degree is awarded to the doctors who are physicians. The minimum eligibility for this course is MBBS.
  1. M.S. (Master of Surgery) – 3 years
This degree is awarded to the doctors who master course in surgery. The minimum eligibility for this course is MBBS.
  1. D.M (Doctorate in Medicine) – 2 to 3 years
DM is a doctorate degree equivalent to the PhD degree awarded by the many universities in the USA. Doctors having M.D degree are eligible for this course.
  1. B.Pharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy) – 4 years
Candidate must have passed 10+2 with at least 50% marks with biology/mathematics as one of the compulsory subjects, or D.Pharm (Diploma in Pharmacy). This degree involves the knowledge of pharmacy.
  1. B.Sc Nursing – 4 years
Candidate must have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology with a minimum of 45% marks. The motive of B.Sc. Nursing programme is to produce the qualified nurses, as a member of the health care team.
  1. B.P.T (Physiotherapy) – 4.5 years
Candidate must have passed in 12th class or equivalent with a minimum 50% marks in physics, chemistry and biology. Physiotherapy helps the temporary disabled people in their rehabilitation.
  1. B.O.T (Occupational Therapy) – 3 years
Candidate must have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Some institutions may opt for an entrance examination. The Occupational Therapy helps the people to enable in their everyday life and treats the emotionally and physically challenged people.
  1. B.U.M.S (Unani Medicine) – 5.5 years
BUMS degree is equivalent to the BAMS, but in Unani medicines. Candidate must have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Urdu is compulsory up to 10th class or equivalent Education. Candidate must have attained minimum 17 years of age at the admission.
  1. D.Pharm (Ayurvedic, Siddha Medicine) – 2 years
It is a medical diploma course in pharmacy of ayurvedic medicines. Candidate must have passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Biology.
  1. BMLT (Bachelor of Medical Lab Technicians) – 3 year
It is a bachelor degree of medical laboratory technology, contains the entire laboratory practices of the medical system. Candidate must have cleared the 10+2 exam with PCB. Various institutions are offering the B.Sc. programme in medical laboratory technology in India.
  1. DMLT (Diploma of Medical Lab Technicians) – 1 year
It is a medical diploma course of medical laboratory technology, contains the laboratory practices of the medical field. Candidate must have cleared the 10+2 exam with PCB.